Physical Activity On Prescription

How does it work? [1]

  1. You receive or request a prescription.
    Healthcare professionals authorized to prescribe physical activity in Belgium: physician (general practitioner, specialist), physical therapist, occupational therapist, psychologist, pharmacist, dietician, nurse, social worker, midwife and podiatrist.
  2. You make an appointment (by phone or email) 'Make an appointment'.
  3. First appointment = intake interview (+/- 1 hour).
  4. Together we create a personalized movement plan (30 – 45 minutes).
  5. You try the plan independently.
  6. I coach you. Is the plan feasible, too easy or too difficult? We make adjustments.
    (follow-up with coaching sessions of 15-30 minutes)
  7. Are you achieving your personal goals this way and can you continue independently?
    Contact me if you are relapsing or experiencing difficulty continuing your good habits.
  8. You maintain your active lifestyle without my follow-up.
  9. Your healthcare professional continues to monitor you, and you contact me if necessary.
Please bring your passport, prescription letter, and mutual insurance sticker to the first session.


Individual coachingGroup coaching
Duration of session (depending on your needs)15 min30 min45 min60 min30 min45 min60 min
With increased reimbursement€ 1€ 2€ 3€ 4€ 1€ 1,5 € 2
Without increased reimbursement€ 5 € 10 € 15 € 20€ 2 € 3€ 4

Do you currently have increased reimbursement?

This can be checked by looking at the sticker on your mutual insurance card. If you have increased reimbursement, it will be indicated on your sticker. At the bottom of the sticker, the code ends in 1 if you are entitled to increased reimbursement.


When are you entitled to increased reimbursement [2]

Being entitled to increased reimbursement depends on your household income. You can also calculate your entitlement to increased reimbursement based on your income using the simulation tool on the website: Module de calcul de l'intervention majorée (

If you receive a certain social benefit, you automatically have the right to increased reimbursement. If you are in one of the following situations, you also have the right to increased reimbursement:

  • Minimum income or similar assistance from OCMW for three consecutive and uninterrupted months
  • Guaranteed income for the elderly (IGO)
  • Compensation (monetary support) for persons with disabilities granted by the FOD Social Security: integration allowance, income replacement allowance, or care budget for the elderly in need of care
  • Care allowance for children with a physical or mental disability of at least 66%
  • Unaccompanied foreign minor (MBMV)
  • Children (under 25) registered as orphans with the health insurance fund.

Please note: If you believe you are entitled to increased reimbursement and are not receiving it, you must apply for increased reimbursement or contact your health insurance fund.

Reimbursement [3]

If you use OCMW services (such as living wage, home meals, budget counselling, cleaning help...), you can get a refund of a large part of your personal contribution. This is covered by the Participation and Social Activation Grant for OCMW recipients.

Depending on your health insurance, you are entitled to full or partial reimbursement:

Health insuranceMaximum reimbursement
Neutraal Ziekenfonds Vlaanderen€ 30
Vlaams Neutraal Ziekenfonds€ 30
Helan€ 25
Solidaris (Antwerpen, Oost- en West-Vlaanderen)€ 10
Solidaris (Limburg)€ 15

Payment Methods

Each session is paid immediately at the end of the session:

  1. Cash (exact change)
  2. Via QR code with your bank's smartphone app (instant transfer)

You will immediately receive a payment receipt after making the payment.


Always ready to discuss your questions or concerns in a non-binding conversation.